EPBC Background
On 15 July 2019 the Dulacca Renewable Energy Project was determined to be a 'controlled action' under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 ('EPBC Act'). In its determination, the Department of Agriculture Water and Environment (DAWE) (formerly Department of the Environment and Energy) confirmed the project would be assessed by 'preliminary documentation'. The draft Preliminary Documentation which was submitted to DAWE in November 2019.
Public comment on the Preliminary Documentation was sought from 30 April 2020 to 15 May 2020.
The Project received EPBC Act approval on 21 August 2020. A minor variation to the EPBC Act approval was subsequently approved on 30 July 2021.
The EPBC Act approval can be accessed here.
The Dulacca Wind Farm Annual Compliance Reports can be accessed below:
Management Plans and Project Layout Plan
The following management plans and layout plan are published pursuant to condition 25(b) and condition 3 of the EPBC Act approval for the Dulacca Renewable Energy Project (EPBC 2018/8368):
Condition 5 -
Vegetation and Fauna Management Plan (redacted) (Rev 4, 27 May 2021)
Condition 6 -
Bird and Bat Management Plan
(Rev 2.14, 27 July 2021)
Condition 10 -
Bird and Bat Management Plan Review (30 November 2022)
Condition 16 -
Biodiversity Offset Plan (redacted)
(Rev 4, 3 June 2021)
Condition 3 -
Final Project Layout Plan