Project Summary
The approved wind farm project consists of the following components:
43 wind turbines (optimised from 56), each up to 250m in height with associated hard-standing areas and access roads.
Operations and maintenance buildings with associated vehicle parking.
An electrical substation.
Overhead and underground electrical cable reticulation.
Meteorological masts for measuring wind speed and other climatic conditions.
Temporary construction facilities including a construction compound, borrow pit and concrete batching plant facilities.
The approved project also includes approval for the construction of an energy storage facility on the project site.
The final design has been shaped by a number of detailed technical, engineering and environmental studies and assessments including:
Access and Transport.
Cultural Heritage.
Ecology - Flora and Fauna.
Electromagnetic Interference Studies including TV & radio reception.
Geology and Hydrology.
Landscape and Visual.
Shadow flicker.
The impact assessments undertaken to inform the planning approval process were undertaken in accordance with the requirements of QLD State Code 23.
RES values community engagement and it is integral to this project. We remain committed to undertaking ongoing consultation with the community as we work towards the commencing construction of the project.
Consultations activities may include:
Community Information Sessions.
Project Displays.
One on One meetings.
Upcoming community engagement events will be advertised on this website, circulated by mail drop and / or advertised utilising local media.
The engagement of local and / or Queensland based specialist consultants (where available) to support the project is an ongoing commitment for RES.